Friday, July 26, 2013

I have received all the flowers, so here they are.

Heather - When I'm alone I usually watch sappy romance films, lay in bed for endless hours, go on drives, write in my journal.
Marigold - If I had all the money in the world I would purchase nice, expensive clothing, beautiful property for a small cottage-like home, travel several different places, and donate some to charity.
Peony - Emotional wounds I am still recovering from are the permanent absence of specific people in my life I have loved, moving out of the home I grew up in, the death of my sweet grandfather.
Orange Blossom - I haven't quite decided whether or not I want children. I'm leaning towards no, but I never know what the future may bring and how my feelings will change once I am married.
If I ever do decide to have children, it will be years after my marriage, and even then only one or two at most.
Tuberose - A physical trait I find attractive is the jawline. For men especially, a defined jaw is all he needs.
(Watch the contours of a jaw flex, and tell me you don't want to kiss it maddeningly.)
I also love a good back, and pretty hands.
Sunflower - I look up to my oldest sister Michelle quite often, and strong, yet feminine female fictional characters like Jane Eyre.
Geranium - I do several little things for comfort. Light candles, take a hot bath, listen to soothing music, read a good book, draw, paint, drink a hot beverage, take long walks at night, write, sleep.
Lilac - My first love was a boy named Shaun, with pretty pianist hands and a good sense of humor.
Stargazer - I aspire to do many things before I die, one of them is to model for a figure drawing class. (nude or not)
Lavendar - An event in my life that has made me wary of my surroundings is the seperation of my parents and certain relationships of mine that have ended badly.
Stephanotis - I believe in bad luck, mostly because I am convinced I have it. I always knock on wood when I say things, I try to not think bad thoughts of others in fear of them eventually happening to me as well, and I believe in karma.
Gardenia - The things that make me the most happy are my family, good photographs and films, literature, a big city, rainy weather, being a part of a good choir, live music, interesting and beautiful people, good blogs, cute cafes, lazy mornings, fireplaces in the winter months, my best friend Adam.

Thanks for all the comments


  1. I very much enjoyed reading this. I also adore Jane Eyre, lighting candles, journaling, walks, and so on. :) Blessings to you!

  2. Okay.

    So I read The History of Love.

    Okay, so I didn't. I read the first half.

    You're probably thinking I hated it. I didn't hate it. I really loved it. Parts of it. But then something happened. It probably wasn't the book. It was probably me. Anyway...I didn't finish it. I gave it back to the library. Maybe one day I'll finish it. But not today.

    I got confused a little bit. Like who was this do these people know each other again...wait, so who wrote the freaking book?

    I loved the beginning. I loved how sad and beautiful the old man is/was. I remembered the book and that character when you talked about being a model for a figure drawing class. I thought that part was great in the book.

    Anyway. I'll stop talking.
