Monday, December 12, 2016

Event Chronicles

Throughout this block, we have had many catering events. With three Elder Quests lunch catering events, to NuSkin, US Synthetics, and Doterra, this block has been filled with a lot of planning and hard work. I have learned many things during these catering events, such as the virtue of flexibility. As an individual who takes pride in organization and planning, I have found this difficult for me adjust to. Many days I have felt unorganized and frustrated. Yet, I have found that this is simply the art and reality of the food industry. I have found, and learned this countless times throughout this semester alone. It is something I am adjusting to. It is something I am practicing being okay with. Something that I hope, one day, I can learn to be successful with despite the confusion and chaos I may feel. This class alone has been a learning experience for me in that the food industry can throw you curve balls that one will have to successfully hit despite any original plans. What matters most is the food. The mentality to make good food and provide well for your guests, despite unforeseen obligations, will always trump any previously made plans or intentions.  I have also learned throughout this semester the importance of reliability, of doing your best, and of working as hard as you can until your hands and feet are dirty, and continuing to work hard long after that. Although many photos of these catering events are not included, the ones that are show a bit of the hard work, and fun we put into these events. 

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