Monday, December 12, 2016

Flat Fish Butchery

Below are the critical control points, as well as the method for flat fish butchery. Did I forget to mention wearing gloves?

•Fish Fabrication Critical Control Points: When working with fish, critical control points may include purchasing a fish from a reputable supplier first and foremost. Keeping all equipment properly sanitized is essential before beginning any preparation of raw fish (and after). When fabricating a round and flat fish such as trout and sole, it is important to use clean and sanitized equipment, and have all mise en place in place. Knowing the bone structure of the fish is important knowledge in order to correctly cut up the fish, and should be practiced often in order to properly execute. When cutting fish, it is important to use as much meat as possible, and leave the fish boneless (if required) and void of any pin bones. This should be done with care in order to avoid leaving any undesirable pieces behind that may be considered a physical contaminant.

•Flat Fish Fabrication: To begin, with kitchen sheers, cut on both sides of the fish to remove fins. Afterwards, make a cut from head to tail just to one side of the center line, down to the backbone. As you turn the knife almost parallel to the table, make a long, smooth cut horizontally against the backbone toward the outer edge of the fish in order to separate the fillet from the bone. Remove the fillet completely, and repeat to remove the three remaining fillets. Once complete, skin the fillet. Like round fish, to do this simply place the fillet skin side down with the tail pointing toward you. Holding the skin at the tail end, slide the knife between the skin and flesh, scraping against the skin to avoid cutting into the fillet. 

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