Monday, July 21, 2014

All I know how to do these days is shrug. I can't think of anything else to say. I have become so aimless, dirtied hair and ringing my own doorbell in the mornings. And I think the real problem is, not even the moon is beautiful enough anymore without you having seen it. And sometimes it makes you think that things will always be the same. But then one day everything bad collapses when someone does something small and dependable for you, like saying, tomorrow I will bring you that book I was telling you about, and then actually bringing you that book.
So you weave through the pages and want to cry for no reason at all because he brought you his book when he said he would. And then you want to do up his tie, and sew on his buttons, and warn him of the outside, because the world it isn't full of people who bring you books when they say they will.

1 comment:

  1. the world is a cruel place.I think you've founded a good one there.xx

    dreaming is believing
