Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My head isn't screwed on straight, I know. I wasn't like other people. Not the normal people, anyway. I didn't wait for anyone. I didn't hope that a man would surrender helpless and offer me his love and fidelity wholeheartedly. That had taken a backseat in my life with permission. I had invited solitude in and offered it a place to stay. And though I didn't mind, I had wanted to want another person. With an obsession that felt like burning. I wanted to say yes to marriage and a large home in the countryside filled with our children. And if he'd threaten to leave I wanted to cry and get on my knees begging, forcing him to love me. But I couldn't; that lifestyle didn't become me. I had a chameleon soul, no fixed personality, with an obsession for freedom, and a passion for living that made me wild and wavering. I needed to lie my head on the open road, to roam freely in bizzare cities, to walk openly at night.


  1. Also freaking speechless. And just...I don't know what else to say. I guess because I'm're on my blog list..? Ugh, I told you I don't know what to say.

  2. You're killing me. You're really killing me.
    This is everything.
