Monday, September 9, 2013

Lately, I have had this overwhelming urge to delete all forms of social media and reclaim my own existence in the world. I recently discovered the extent of my dislike in reading the closed-minded thoughts of others, and of being questioned by my own. We live in a day and age where we are taught to cling to the people in our life, past or present, through the internet and are forced to feel an incredible amount of guilt when we choose to defriend or unfollow others. The sad truth is, some people need to be cut off, unfollowed or defriended. It's okay to let go of the people in your life who feel heavy, despite the small fact that feelings may be hurt.
Simply put, I feel allowed to be picky about who I surround myself with and who I choose to let inside. My life is entirely no one else's business but my own, and I no longer feel the need to plaster it on social media for the entire world to see. I'm ready for new scenery, new experiences, new people, and I'm okay if those changes go completely unnoticed. I have good books, a few close friends, and family in several states and cities with welcoming homes whenever I feel like escaping, and that's all I need.


  1. this is beautiful. thank you. i really needed this right now...

  2. "It's okay to let go of the people in your life who feel heavy."
    Exactly what I needed to hear.
