Monday, June 17, 2013

A Loner's Guide to Life Survival:
Sometimes being a bitch can be quite necessary.
Don't be influenced by others. You are independent, you can control your own emotions.
Don't listen to other's opinions of you, they are often talking about themselves.
Remember you can eliminate toxic people from your life.
Try and see your imperfections as beauty.
Don't be afraid to live your own life.
Sing loudly alone in your car. Take yourself out dancing. Eat ice cream.
Remind yourself often that life goes on.
Do not allow people in your life who weigh you down.
Say no when you don't want something, say yes when you do.
Fall in love. Get broken. Fall in love again.
Know you cannot be everyone's cup of tea. Accept this and move on.
Be confident. People will convince you that you are wrong to love yourself. Love yourself anyway.
Be a good friend. Give more than you get.
Remember fear is a four letter word and so is risk.
Do not push people from your life who want to be in it.
Know the key to your salvation is to give it all back.
Being weak can be beneficial at times.
Find relationships that feel right and keep them.
Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself, because you may be the only one who will.
Be understanding. Say sorry when you have done something wrong. Forgive when someone else has.
Pray even if you don't believe in God.
Give yourself time to breathe.
Be kind to everyone you meet.
Learn to say hello and goodbye: both will happen frequently.
Don't put up with other people's shit.
Love someone just because.
Be honest with yourself and other people.
Believe in something.
Do not be selfish.
Always remember, this too shall pass.


  1. Yes. We should have always been friends. But it isn't too late is it? And thank you for this. It's beautiful. "Pray even if you don't believe in God."

  2. I definitely needed this today. Thank you for sharing. <3
